Membership Information 

Scottish by birth or by choice?  We'd be pleased if you'd join us!

Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings and events.

Membership in the Society is granted to any person who appreciates and

is willing to support the aims and objectives of the Society.


Dues are $45 for individuals and $55 for
couples/families. Checks should be made out to
the Caledonian & St. Andrew’s Society of Seattle.
We want to keep our membership directory
updated, so please include your address,
phone number(s), and e-mail address(es)
when you send your check.

Please send new
and renewal memberships to:

Caledonian & St. Andrew’s Society of Seattle
P.O. Box 27278
Seattle, WA 98165-1778

Membership includes receiving monthly
newsletters and a copy of the membership
directory. Information about upcoming Scottish
activities, concerts, and reminders about gatherings are
sent to members by e-mail as well.